A Ceia de Natal deste ano teve apenas 7 participantes, o que facilitou. Fiz da seguinte maneira:
1. O Peru, o Tender, o Quiche Lorraine e dois tipos de farofas foram servidos cedo numa mesa de entradas.
2. À meia noite (antecipamos um pouco) logo após a troca de presentes, servi um jantar cujo cardápio foi:
-- Mini-torta de frango catupiry bem quente ( coloquei no forno poucos miutos antes)
-- Tagine de Cordeiro com Couscuz Marroquino
-- Sobremesa Panna Cotta com calda de Mirtilos
-- Torta de Chocolate com cerejas
-- Torta de Nozes com ameixas
O Peru
Inspirei-me em duas receitas ( Peru assado com tangerina e Sálvia do Panelinha e Peru assado com Manteiga de ervas e limão siciliano do blog cozinhapeque na)Confesso ter sido o melhor peru que já comi:
1 Peru (usei esses já temperados )
1 limão siciliano
Manteiga de ervas
Para a Salmoura:
1 xícara (chá) de sal
1/2 xícara (chá) de açúcar
2 cebolas cortadas em 4 partes
6 dentes de alho 1 ramo de sálvia
5 folhas de louro 3 cravos-da-índia
1 colher (sopa) de pimenta-do-reino caldo de 1 tangerina ( ou laranja)
Para assar o peru:
100 g de manteiga
1/2 xícara (chá) de vinho branco
1 tangerina
ramos de sálvia
Modo de fazer;
1. Lavei bem o Peru e reservei
2. Coloquei os elementos da salmoura numa panela no fogo e desliguei assim que começou a ferver.
3. Coloquei numa vasilha grande que coubesse o peru e envolvi com filmito e deixei de molho por 40 min (não passe disso)
4. A partir daí comecei a usar a técnica do Cozinha pequena: passei pimenta do reino em todo o peru,
5. Descolei (isso mesmo!) a pele do Peru (pensei que iria ser difícil , mas não foi) e dentro da pele recheei com a manteiga de ervas.
6. Voltei a usar a receita do panelinha:
- fiz o molho para assar:
derreti a manteiga com o vinho e o limão siciliano, embebi toalhinhas (pode ser pano de pratos) com esse molho e envolvi todo o peru. Coloquei dentro fatias de limão siciliano e botei para assar até dourar, Sempre regando as toalinhas com o molho (que tive que fazer outras quantidades).. Levei a assadeira ao forno por 30 minutos. Retirei do forno, reduzi a temperatura para 180 ºC (temperatura média) e continuei assando por mais 3 horas. . A cada 30 minutos, retirei o peru do forno e pincelei com o vinho e a manteiga.
7. Quando o peru terminou de assar, retirei a assadeira do forno e, com cuidado, retirei o pano da ave. (Se quiser, decore com ramos de sálvia, pincele-os com o restinho de manteiga e vinho e leve ao forno por mais 10 minutos, apenas para terminar de dourar o peito).
The Christmas dinner this year had merely 7 guests which made cooking particularly easy. I built the menu in this way:
2. At midnight (a little bit early than that) right after the gift exchange, I served the dinner according to this menu: -
-mini chicken and cream cheese pies served hot
- Sheep Tagine with Moroccan couscous
- Panna Cotta with blueberry syrup for dessert
- Chocolate Cake with Cherries
- Nuts Cake with plums
The recipes are as follows:
I was inspired by two distinct recipes: roast turkey with tangerine and salvia (panelinha) and roast turkey with herb butter and Sicilian lemon (cozinhapeque na). I confess it was the best turkey I have eaten. ingredients:
1 turkey (I used the pre-seasoned kind)
1 Sicilian lemon herb butter
for the marinade:
1 --cup of salt
1/2 cup sugar
2 onions cut in 4 parts
6 cloves of galric
1 bunch of salvia
5 3 indian cloves
1 tablespoon of ground black pepper
the juice of an entire citrus fruit: tangerine or orange
to cook the turkey: 100g of butter
1/2 cup of white wine
1 tangerine
bunches of salvia
to make it:
1. wash the turkey well and put it aside
2. cook the ingredients for the marinade until boiling
3. put into a large bowl that is deep enough for the entire turkey to be submerged
4. submerge the turkey and cover with clear plastic wrap for no more than 40 minutes
5. with your fingers, detach the turkey skin from the meat and fill the space with the her butter
6. I went back to using panelinha's recipe:
-melt the butter with white wine and the sicilian lemons
-soak a cloth with this sauce and wrap the turkey in it
-under this cloth insert lemon slices
-bake until golden, occasionally re-soaking the towel (you may have to make more sauce)
-the pan remained in the oven for 30 minutes
-remove from the oven and reduce the temperature to 180C and there the turkey remained for 3 more hours - every 30 minutes the wine and butter sauce was brushed onto the turkey
7. when the turkey was done baking, the cloth was carefully removed from the bird. ( if desired, decorate with bunches of salvia and brush with sauce, place in oven until the skin is golden, about 10 minutes)
The Christmas dinner this year had merely 7 guests which made cooking particularly easy. I built the menu in this way:
2. At midnight (a little bit early than that) right after the gift exchange, I served the dinner according to this menu: -
-mini chicken and cream cheese pies served hot
- Sheep Tagine with Moroccan couscous
- Panna Cotta with blueberry syrup for dessert
- Chocolate Cake with Cherries
- Nuts Cake with plums
The recipes are as follows:
I was inspired by two distinct recipes: roast turkey with tangerine and salvia (panelinha) and roast turkey with herb butter and Sicilian lemon (cozinhapeque na). I confess it was the best turkey I have eaten. ingredients:
1 turkey (I used the pre-seasoned kind)
1 Sicilian lemon herb butter
for the marinade:
1 --cup of salt
1/2 cup sugar
2 onions cut in 4 parts
6 cloves of galric
1 bunch of salvia
5 3 indian cloves
1 tablespoon of ground black pepper
the juice of an entire citrus fruit: tangerine or orange
to cook the turkey: 100g of butter
1/2 cup of white wine
1 tangerine
bunches of salvia
to make it:
1. wash the turkey well and put it aside
2. cook the ingredients for the marinade until boiling
3. put into a large bowl that is deep enough for the entire turkey to be submerged
4. submerge the turkey and cover with clear plastic wrap for no more than 40 minutes
5. with your fingers, detach the turkey skin from the meat and fill the space with the her butter
6. I went back to using panelinha's recipe:
-melt the butter with white wine and the sicilian lemons
-soak a cloth with this sauce and wrap the turkey in it
-under this cloth insert lemon slices
-bake until golden, occasionally re-soaking the towel (you may have to make more sauce)
-the pan remained in the oven for 30 minutes
-remove from the oven and reduce the temperature to 180C and there the turkey remained for 3 more hours - every 30 minutes the wine and butter sauce was brushed onto the turkey
7. when the turkey was done baking, the cloth was carefully removed from the bird. ( if desired, decorate with bunches of salvia and brush with sauce, place in oven until the skin is golden, about 10 minutes)
A SALMOURA (marinade) |
ASSADO (it was done) |
5 comentários:
Ivaneide querida, Feliz Natal, que 2014 traga muita paz, saúde e felicidade em sua vida e para toda sua família!
Oi Ana Ana Paulo ! obirigada!! Que o ano novo seja de muito sucesso.
Oi Ana Ana Paulo ! obirigada!! Que o ano novo seja de muito sucesso.
Ivaneide, minha amiga, boa noite,
Menina, quantas delícias, o seu peru ficou lindo e - com certeza - também muito saboroso! rsrs.
Um beijo, boa noite e ótima quinta-feira
Feliz ano novo! Que este seja o primeiro de uma série de dias felizes, para você e os seus queridos!
Um beijo
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